Double success for Imran; High Court saves property of a hapless lady from fraud; Supreme Court upholds its judgment.

Double success for Imran; High Court saves property of a hapless lady from fraud; Supreme Court upholds its judgment.

On 19-04-2016, through a judgment that has since been reported at 2016 SCMR 1225, the Supreme Court of Pakistan dismissed a Civil Appeal against a judgment of the Lahore High Court. The Appellant was represented by Senior Advocate and former High Court Judge, Syed Qalb-e-Hassan Shah. The Respondent was successfully represented by Ch. Imran Hassan Ali.

The dispute concerned about 57 kanals (approx. 7 acres) of valuable land, which the Appellant before the Supreme Court claimed to have purchased from the Respondent. However, the Respondent’s case was that it was a bogus and fraudulent transaction. She had challenged the alleged sale through a civil suit, which was dismissed by the Civil Judge. Her appeal to the District Judge was also dismissed.

Ch. Imran Hassan Ali successfully represented the lady before the Lahore High Court, which allowed her Revision Petition. The High Court set aside the judgments of the Civil Judge and the District Judge, and declared that the alleged sale transaction was the result of fraud and deception.

On 19-04-2016, the Supreme Court upheld this judgment of the High Court and dismissed the appeal.         

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