Special Division Bench appoints Imran amicus in case about Police Order

Special Division Bench appoints Imran amicus in case about Police Order

The Honourable Chief Justice of the Lahore High Court constituted a special division bench to resolve the conflict of opinions between various benches in respect of interpretation of certain provisions of the Police Order, 2002. On 12-10-2021, the specially constituted division bench was pleased to appoint Ch. Imran Hassan Ali as amicus curiae to assist the Court in the matter.

On 08-12-2021, after hearing the parties’ counsel as well as the amici curiae, the Court held that offences by police officers under Article 155 of the Police Order are cognizale and that ex-officio Justices of the Peace have the power to order registration of FIR against such police officers.

The judgment has been reported at 2022 YLR 1131 Lahore and 2021 LHC 8399 and can also be accessed on the Lahore High Court website by clicking here.

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