Tag Cash Seized

FIA releases Rs. 400 million cash; Concedes it was wrongly seized

On 16-09-2023, FIA conducted an unlawful raid at the offices of Sheikh Iftikhar Ahmed Adil and Sheikh Sarosh Iftikhar, the owners of Al-Haram City Housing Society and Asia Housing Society, and seized more than Rs. 400 million cash in Pakistani currency without any justification.

Ch. Imran Hassan Ali was engaged to challenge this unlawful seizure of money through a writ petition before the Lahore High Court, Rawalpindi Bench. The High Court heard preliminary arguments on 10-10-2023 and issued notice to FIA.

On 07-11-2023, the High Court expressed its displeasure and dissatisfaction with the inquiry report filed by FIA, and ordered the Director General of FIA to appear in person to offer an explanation.

On 13-11-2023, the DG failed to satisfy the Court about legality of the actions of his agency. The Court made it clear that the seizure of the Petitioner’s money was utterly unlawful and without authority. DG FIA was constrained to concede this legal position and made a statement that the seizure order would be withdrawn immediately. The Court disposed of the petition in view of this statement and ordered immediate release of the illegally seized money.

For media coverage of this matter, please click on the links below. But please be advised that some of the media reports are grossly exaggerated.
