Tag Election Commission of Pakistan

Ch. Imran Hassan Ali successfully represents a political party before the Supreme Court

On 14-03-2018, Ch. Imran Hassan Ali, ASC, successfully represented Sunni Tehreek, a polictical party, before the Honourable Supreme Court of Pakistan. The Election Commission of Pakistan had cancelled registration of the party ahead of General Elections, 2018, without giving it adequate opportunity to fulfil certain statutory requirements. The Court allowed the appeal and gave the Appellant further time to fulfil the statory requirements for extension of its registration with the Election Commission.

The case is titled Sunni Tehreek vs. Election Commission of Pakistan thr. its Secy. & another (C.A. 199/2018). Further details about the case can bee seen on the Supreme Court website by clicking here.

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Ch. Imran Hassan Ali, ASC, represents a member of the Provincial Assembly of the Punjab

Ch. Imran Hassan Ali, ASC, has been engaged as counsel for Raja Shaukat Aziz Bhatti – a member of the Provincial Assembly of the Punjab – in W.P. No. 2604/2017 before the Honourable Islamabad High Court. It is a petition seeking judicial review of an order of disqualification passed by the Election Commission of Pakistan. Mr. Bhatti belongs to the ruling Pakistan Muslim Leage (N). He served as MPA for PP-4 (Rawalpindi-IV).

More information regarding Raja Shaukat Aziz Bhatti can be found on the Punjab Assembly website by clicking here.
