Tag Hoti house

Ch. Imran Hassan Ali, ASC, represents Nawabzada Abdul Qadir Khan Hoti in the Hoti House case

Ch. Imran Hassan Ali, ASC, has been engaged as counsel for Nawabzada Abdul Qadir Khan Hoti in a Revision Petition before the Honourable Lahore High Court, Rawalpindi Bench. The case pertains to a dispute among family members over partition of the famous Hoti House situated just off the Mall in the mountain resort town of Murree. It is a prime property worth tens of millions. It was used as a holiday home by the Hoti family of Mardan for decades. It was briefly requisitioned by the Government during General Ayub Khan’s regime and housed the Indian High Commission at one point prior to 1965 war. It was returned to the Hotis later on.
